VK_KHR_8bit_storage: This extension allows the use of 8-bit types in uniform and storage buffers and pushes constant blocks. VK_KHR_get_display_properties2: This extension provides new entry points to query device display properties and capabilities in a way that can be easily extended by other extensions, without introducing any further entry points. VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing: This extension adds several small features which together enable applications to create large descriptor sets containing substantially all of their resources and selecting amongst those resources with dynamic (non-uniform) indexes in the shader. Samsung HMD Odyssey may experience intermittent black screens or flashing on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products.

Civilization VI may experience a game crash using DirectX12 API on game or map launch. Graphics and memory clock speeds may remain elevated or locked while gaming if video content is also playing on the system. Some games may experience a game crash or hang on multi GPU system configurations when changing or applying resolutions. Fortnite may experience an application crash on game launch in Windows7. Support for World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth
Support for Monster Hunter: Up to 6% faster performance using Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 18.8.1 on the Radeon RX 580 (8GB) graphics card than with Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 18.6.1 at 1920x1080 (1080p)2 Support for Monster Hunter: World: Up to 5% faster performance using Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 18.8.1 on the Radeon RX Vega 64 (8GB) graphics card than with Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 18.6.1 at 1920x1080 (1080p)1 Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 18.8.1 Highlights